
ANT buildfiles using eclipse variables?

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  • #248661 Reply


    I’m using ANT buildfiles to compile/deploy my webapplication.

    In Eclipse, I’ll edit the Build Path properties and add some JAR files so that Eclipse can parse/compile the class files properly.

    Unfortunately, I also have a LIB directory with all of those JAR files, so that when I deploy, ANT will package up the JAR files.

    Anyone know if it would be possible to have ANT lookup all the JAR files that eclipse is using, copy those to my deployment web-inf/lib?

    This would let me use 1 set of JAR files instead of the 2 sets I’m using currently, and when I updated a JAR file, ANT would build the next release properly, rather then me going into LIB and deleted the old one and copying the new one.


    #248740 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I don’t think this is possible only because Ant is executing in an external VM outside of the Eclipse VM. Even if it was executing inside of the Eclipse VM, I’m not aware of Ant tasks or Eclipse APIs available to get that information from one process to another.

    Now that’s not saying there isn’t some super-fancy integrated Ant love that Eclipse throws down, I just doubt it.

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