Ok guys, I’m pulling my hair out here.
I’m building my first real Ant script and I’m stuck.
I have the following dev structure:
/dd3/WebRoot/…other directories
I want to put the contents of the WebRoot directory into the “root” directory of my website.
Here’s my WAR target
<target name="war" depends="jar">
<war destfile="${name}.war" webxml="${WEB-INF.dir}/web.xml">
<fileset dir="./"
<classes dir="${WEB-INF.dir}/classes" includes="*.class, *.properties, *.xml"/>
<lib dir="${lib.dir}" includes="*.jar"/>
<webinf dir="${WEB-INF.dir}" includes="*.xml, *.tld"
I’m getting the “*.jsp” files put into a directory “WebRoot” not in the actual root.
In other words I want the file:
in my WAR.