
Ant input console ?

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  • #273851 Reply


    How do you setup an input console for Ant ?
    for ex:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project name="helloproject" default="hello">
        <target name="hello" >
            <echo message="Hello !" />
            <input addproperty="hello.name" 
                message="Enter your name: " defaultvalue="world" />
            <echo message="Hello ${hello.name}!" />

    When I check “Set an Input Handler” in the external tools Wizzard,
    I get a NullPointerException, and when I don’t, the console does
    not pause for input and I get a “Failed to read input from console”

    I am sorry to ask for something so basic, but I could not find info
    anywhere (other than a statement that “It works” in an unrelated
    Eclipse bug report: good to know)



    #273874 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev

    JG, I did run across this post:

    and it looks like if you set the Ant task to run inside the same JRE as Eclipse, you’ll get a provided inputhandler. Otherwise you need to use -inputhandler to specify your own. (Not done this myself, so not exactly sur eon details).

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