
ANT into MyEclipse with JSF Capabilities

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  • #266429 Reply

    Mark Sanders

    still learning Java and MyEclipse. Win XP Pro SP2 eclipse 3.2 MyEclipse 5.1.0 GA

    I am going through a book on JSF. The code examples are here:

    using chap 9 right now

    His instructions how to get his ANT build into a WAR are here:

    Is there an easy way to do this with MyEclipse. I create a new project from and existing ANT build but then the options for ‘Add JSF Capabilities’ is greyed out.


    #266448 Reply


    To add JSF capabilities to a project, it must first be a MyEclipse Web Projects. Have a look at the web projects in MyEclipse documentation:

    #266451 Reply

    Mark Sanders

    I’ve been through the tutorials on JSF and webprojects. So then the challenge becomes –
    if i start a webproject, i can’t import his ANT into my webproject. Maybe I should say – if i start a web project, how do i use MyEclipse to import his ANT? i don’t see that option.

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