- This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 17 years, 7 months ago by Bobby.
I am trying to run an ant script from within Myelipse.
But it only runs a part of it. I checked all my targets and the depending targets for those targets. Everything seems to be fine.
Following is the skeleton of it:
<project name=”imagingquery2WLS” basedir=”.” default=”build”>
<property file=”iqwc.properties”/><target name=”build” depends=”package-war, publish-ws, publish-as”>
<target name=”init”>
<format property=”time.stamp” pattern=”yyyyMMdd” locale=”en”/>
<target name=”boot-strap”>
<copy todir=”WebRoot/WEB-INF/lib”>
<fileset dir=”../../../ext/iq2libs”/>
<jar destfile=”WebRoot/WEB-INF/lib/iq2-properties.jar”>
<fileset file=”${source.directory}/imagingquery2.properties” />
<target name=”genXmlBeans”></target>
<target name=”genWebServices”></java>
</target><target name=”package-war” depends=”init, boot-strap, genXmlBeans, genWebServices”>
<jar destfile=”${dest.directory}/${file.base}.war” >
<fileset dir=”${source.directory}/WebRoot” />
<target name=”init.ws” depends=”init”>
<property file=”websvr.ftp.properties”/>
<fail unless=”ws.ftp.pass” message=”`ftp.pass’ not defined!”/>
<fail unless=”ws.ftp.user” message=”`ftp.user’ not defined!”/>
<fail unless=”ws.ftp.server” message=”`ftp.server’ not defined!”/>
<fail unless=”ws.ftp.directory” message=”`ftp.directory’ not defined!”/>
<target name=”init.as” depends=”init”>
<property file=”appsvr.ftp.properties”/>
<fail unless=”as.ftp.pass” message=”`ftp.pass’ not defined!”/>
<fail unless=”as.ftp.user” message=”`ftp.user’ not defined!”/>
<fail unless=”as.ftp.server” message=”`ftp.server’ not defined!”/>
<fail unless=”as.ftp.directory” message=”`ftp.directory’ not defined!”/>
<target name=”publish-as” depends=”init.as”></target>
<target name=”publish-ws” depends=”init.ws”></target>
When I run the build target all targets should be run. But only, package-war target is run and the script execution just waits.
Looking forward to a reply.
when I run the targets individually, they seem to run fine.