
Any Matisse/Swing documentation available?

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  • #267493 Reply



    I am struggling with Matisse/Swing plug-in, mainly because I guess I don’t know all its capabilities.
    Where can I find more documentation than the pretty simple quick-start?

    Does the plug-in has a help?


    #267593 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Right now the quick start is the documentation for that plugin. What issues are you running into? Maybe I can help you.

    #268746 Reply


    Thanks for your reply.
    The main trouble I am running into is not knowing exactly all features and possibilities of the plug-in; for example, I am using the Matisse-Swing view and when you enter properties it allows you to work in “form connection mode”; what is that?
    Again, something when drugging new object into the page, I lose the layout of the page because the item (e.g. table) is too big and doesn’t fit anywhere in the page; and any help with the resize options of the objects (they drive me crazy…)

    Thanks in avance

    #268755 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    form connection mode”; what is that?

    This is a mode that allows you to connect or wire elements of the form together using their properties. For example, it’s a visual way to call a setter on one component with the value of one of the variables in the form.

    If you hand-write a lot of your GUI code and wiring-up code, you may never use this mode. I don’t think I’ve ever used it. I just write everything in the constructors I need.

    Again, something when drugging new object into the page, I lose the layout of the page because the item (e.g. table) is too big and doesn’t fit anywhere in the page; and any help with the resize options of the objects (they drive me crazy…)

    I don’t quite understand this issue… can you post a screenshot of what you mean or send me a PM with it in it and a link to this thread for reference?

    #268888 Reply


    What’s a PM?

    #268897 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Private Message, see under my posts there are a few buttons, one of them says “PM”, it’s like a private email directly to me, but internal to this forum software.

    #269135 Reply


    I completely agree with Paolo,

    in order to use Matisse in production environment where you are forced to work efficiently,
    a good reference manual with index and catalog is really necessary.

    Everybody using matisse may know about 10 percent of basic functionality, but
    learning the rest without a manual or book is frustrating and time consuming because
    you must search all over the web in spread articles again and again for every new feature
    you want to explore.

    What about Netbeans Books.
    Are there any advisable books you could say “its GUI builder part is about 90% compatible with matisse” ?

    Is there another reference page with accumulated documentation links?

    regards Markus

    #269143 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Any NetBeans book that covered Matisse would be atleast 80% or higher applicable to M4M, but I am not familiar with the material available for NetBeans covering Matisse.

    Part of the problem with working on a guide or reference as you mention is the sheer amount of time it would take, which would stop us from developing material from the numerous other features we support.

    We have discussed at times doing really deep guides for our bigger features, something like this, and I’ll bring this up at our material review to see if something can be improved about this.

    #269177 Reply



    of course, as a software developer i know what you mean.
    Be sure, matisse users appreciate and adore your work,
    but the point is important, scan your forums for demands on that.

    When i have a look at the it literature, i wonder who writes all these books about java
    and one fights the other. Why not find an external author who would be willing to catch
    that theme and write a book about matisse.

    Of course this needs deep support from inside … but maybe …

    Thanks markus

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