
Any plugin component for relationships between entity beans?

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  • #211944 Reply


    I’m also working on EJB using (Myeclipse,Jboss,mysql), any plugin components with MyEclipse for the definition of relationships between entity beans with container-managed persistence?

    I studied Sun J2EE 1.3 Tutorial, in Chapter: “Container-Managed Persistence Examples”, it has IDE tool to define the relationships between entity beans with container-managed persistence.(http://java.sun.com/j2ee/tutorial/1_3-fcs/doc/CMP4.html)

    I can’t find such IDE with JBoss, is it better that MyEclipse has a plugin component with this kind of IDE Tool for EJB development?

    Best regards,


    #211980 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    That tool is just the Deployment tool provided in the J2EE download… if you installed the 1.3 or 1.4 version of J2EE on your machine, you should have it installed already.

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