
app deployment on remotely running jboss [Closed]

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  • #219052 Reply

    Dear MyEclipse,

    I would like to deploy my application created using myeclipse on a jboss server which is running on a remote machine. How do I do that?

    I am using jboss 4.0 and myeclipse 3.8.2.

    Thanks in advance.


    #219064 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Remote deployment is not supported at this time.

    #225804 Reply


    Remoted deployment for JBoss is not supported by JBoss just because it uses JMX, and JMX, its web avatara, is not familiar with multipart http requests. But there is a solution. Check out http://cc.borland.com/ccweb.exe/listing?id=22611

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