
App icon after updating

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  • #342756 Reply

    After updating my app in apple store and be accepted by apple update, I find that the icon itself has changed and uses MobiOne icon.

    I checked several times to build the icon I use is mine, but to download the app from app store icon is always MobiOne

    #342759 Reply



    Will kick off an investigation. Can you share which app icon(s) are affected?

    #342760 Reply

    The name of the application?

    the Florida

    or need other information?

    #342767 Reply

    Hi francishift

    Could you please specify which MobiOne version and RTE (Cordova version 2.2 or 2.9) are you using to build this app.
    Also build id or at least your email would be of help.


    #342772 Reply

    hello wayne,

    my Mobione version 2.5.0 m1-dev5 (20130725)

    I do not know the id of the buid, I can tell you that it was the day 19/09/2013 around 11:322

    My email is francis at francisvalenzuela dot com

    #342845 Reply

    Hi francishift,

    Thanks for sharing those details. We are investigating but lead dev is out today sick.

    >my Mobione version 2.5.0 m1-dev5 (20130725)
    In the meantime, could you tell us if you used Cordova 2.2 or 2.9?

    #342894 Reply

    Hi francis

    We have fixed this in Cordova 2.2 environment. Could you please try to do build/upload again and confirm it works for you?

    Please note that:
    – you should provide all sizes of icons, missing ones will still have default M1 pics
    – we encourage you to use Cordova 2.9 Runtime Environment, since it has iOS7 icons support and contains latest fixes both from Cordova and our teams. You can switch current RTE in Settings (Window -> Settings -> App Center)

    #342912 Reply

    Hi, after upgrading to version 2.5.0.m2hf1 MobiOne (20,130,919), I can now add icons to ios7.

    I tried build with development certificate and icons are correct, now I use production licenses and update the app in appstore.

    2.9 cordova I used to do this since my app was developed in cordova 2.9 and some things not going well in cordova 2.2

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