
Appearance problem

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  • #582362 Reply


    Good day!

    I’m experiencing some problems (I’m running Eclipse v4.7.3a):

    – can’t exclude the codemix format feature. I’ve tried to set format.enable = false but it doesn’t seem to work.
    – if I try to change the linewrap size the setting doesn’t seem to update.
    – can’t override the codemix colors scheme and make the DevStyle colors scheme works instead.

    Thanks a lot!


    • This topic was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by myrdivar.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by myrdivar.
    #582566 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    1) Not sure what you mean by “format feature” – are you seeing files automatically formatted on save or something else? Can you tell us which files are affected?

    2) Where are you changing the linewrap setting – again, I’m assuming you’re talking about formatting here?

    3) Can you tell us the file types you’re working with. and the DevStyle theme (and Editor theme) you’re using? We’ll take a look.

    Thank you for your report!

    #582596 Reply


    Hi Brian,

    Ok sorry, now I see that my first post was awfully generic 🙂

    Yes I’m referring to the auto formatting feature (like Ctrl+Shif+F). After installing CodeMix the auto format policies configured in eclipse don’t seem to work anymore and in this specific case I’m referring to the JS and HTML files.

    I’ve tried in the CodeMix User and Workspace settings to turn off the format feature for those two type of files but it doesn’t seem to work because it continues to ignore the eclipse settings.

    Since it seems to ignore this options I’ve tried to set the html line wrap at least but in this case I can’t even do the change in the CodeMix settings because if I try to set a value different from 120 it immediately revert to it.

    As for the color scheme problem I was working with the DevStyle Theme with Dark Grey and zenburn theme and pastel icons. After installing CodeMix part of the color scheme changes (like the html <element>) and every theme now set colors differently from preview.

    #582841 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Clear – when you said “auto format”, I was thinking of the setting which causes a file to automatically format on save, but what you mean is just the explicitly invoked format action.

    If you’ve installed our Web Extension pack (or if you have the Beautify extension installed) – this extension is what is going to control the formatting behavior for JS and HTML files that you have open in the CodeMix editors. To change how formatting works, look at the settings and examples on this page: https://github.com/HookyQR/VSCodeBeautify
    Note: If you need to modify user settings, you can do so here: Preferences > CodeMix > User Settings

    I do realize this is confusing, because the Eclipse settings you normally use no longer work – and we need to make this more obvious. As far as the color theme problem – I see what you mean, this issue will start getting tracked shortly.

    #583091 Reply



    The reported issue with CodeMix overriding DevStyle color theme has been logged in our issue tracker – see the top of this thread for a link. Feel free to vote-up this issue, as well as others you find important!

    Genuitec Support

    #587290 Reply

    Scott Esker

    Actually the CodeMix not using my DevStyle overrides is annoying. I went to all the trouble of having my DevStyle set the way I want, and then it gets overridden by CodeMix..

    #587719 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    I agree that can be annoying, we’re working on improving the compatibility with the DevStyle themes and should have a fix shortly. We’ll update this thread when a release with the fix is available.

    Thank you for asking and apologies for the annoyance.

    #587816 Reply

    Scott Esker

    Hmm, I think my response went to the ethereal plane.

    Anyway, the problem appears to when I use the CodeMix editor.. It appears to be a class path issue when using it, and it is not compiling the code because of it, and so the colors I went and had created don’t get applied. The Java Editor does not have this issue, and it compiles and presents the correct color combinations.

    I didn’t have time to dig into it, due to a customer critical issue today, but will take a closer look when I get some air.

    #587817 Reply

    Scott Esker

    Oh, and I forgot to mention, the problem appears in the CodeMix problems view as simply “Code Problem”, so it didn’t give a whole bunch of information for trying to quickly identify what it was.

    #588531 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Scott, Marco,

    We released an update to CodeMix yesterday that should have it better matching DevStyle themes. Could you please update and let us know how it works? If you still see issues, do let us know what editor you’re working with.


    I’m afraid I missed your last post about compilation problems / classpath issues. The Java Editor is not taken over by CodeMix, so you should be seeing DevStyle working there already. The other editors could have exhibited coloring problems, but they should now be fixed.

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