
Application of Code Suggestion in Eclipse Editor

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  • #701589 Reply


    I greatly enjoy using the Chat‘s /doc command to improve or create JavaDoc for the whole interface or class. Thereby the whole improved class or interface code is printed in the Copilot‘s Chat except the import declarations.

    It would really be great to have a kind of button that applies the Chat’s changes directly to the open Editor (needing some magic functionality to let the imports untouched for the /doc command). This would avoid the tedious copy/paste work.
    In another step, maybe the Eclipse’s Compare and Replace Views can be integrated to have a really fine grained control over what code changes the developer wants to have applied and what should be discarded.

    Thanks very much for the current plugin. It is currently really fluently useable in the Editor and works like a charm.

    #701605 Reply



    Thanks for the useful suggestions and encouragement. We have been exploring how to provide a more integrated coding and update experience between Chat codeblocks and an active editor. I have added your comments to our feature tracking system.

    Copilot4Eclipse Team

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