
Application.xml & Java Modules [Closed]

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  • #203566 Reply


    Dear support team,

    As you know, J2EE 1.3 allows embedding Java modules into Enterprise Project. Here is a fragment of application.xml DTD:

    <!ELEMENT module ((connector | ejb | java | web), alt-dd?)>

    What is the best way to achieve this with MyEclipse? So far I have not found how to add a non-web non-ejb module project to an enterprise project.

    Again, your help is very appreciated.

    Kind regards,

    #203576 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I believe you’re referring to the ability to add arbitrary jar modules. You can do this by importing the jars to the top level of your enterprise project and then referencing them in the appropriate manifest classpaths. The deployer will deploy the jars, with either the exploded or archive deployer, into the same relative location within either the exploded directory or the EAR.

    #203601 Reply


    Hi Scott,

    Thanks for the reply.

    The problem does not reside in the packaging or deployment of a jar in an ear but the necessity to reference it as a module in the application.xml descriptor (see http://java.sun.com/dtd/application_1_3.dtd for more info).

    If think that MyEclipse generates application.xml on the basis of the modules added at the project level, and since I can only add projects of nature “com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core.ejbnature” or “com.genuitec.eclipse.j2eedt.core.webnature”, it does not generate the desired module entry.


    #203608 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We appologize for the inconvenience, but this will be supported in 2.8; at which point we plan to allow people to add Java Projects as dependencies that will be compiled/deplyed just like the Web and EJB projects are handled now. Until then, adding the resource as a JAR is the only means we offer.

    #208525 Reply


    @support-rkalla wrote:

    We appologize for the inconvenience, but this will be supported in 2.8; at which point we plan to allow people to add Java Projects as dependencies that will be compiled/deplyed just like the Web and EJB projects are handled now. Until then, adding the resource as a JAR is the only means we offer.

    I’m using 3.8 version but this feature is still lacking…

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