- This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 10 months ago by
Pat Osterday.
Pat OsterdayMemberWhat causes the application.xml for a EAR project or a xdoclet-build.xml for a web project to be generated/regenerated?
I have an EAR project created using two other existing EJB projects and a WEB project. The EAR didn’t not auto create an application.xml like another EAR project I created. Also, I have xdoclet-build files for my EJB projects, but not the WEB project which does have XDoclet settings.
Also, in a few previous projects, the xdoclet-build.xml files do no exist even though I’m using XDoclet extensively.
Very odd and seemingly sporadic.
Riyad KallaMemberPat,
Application.xml is generated by the Add/Remove Modules diagram of the EAR project as outlined in this guide: http://www.myeclipseide.com/images/tutorials/quickstarts/earprojects/The xdoclet-build files are generated by MyEclipse. In the past as soon as you added doclets to your project MyEclipse would generate this file, however we noticed with people that were sharing their build files over CVS that because the paths in the xdoclet build file are absolute, it would cause XDoclet runs to fail on other developer machines, so in 3.8.2 (IIRC) we made the default behavior for MyEclipse to generate the xdoclet build file immediately before each XDoclet run, so it no longer exists in your project as a persistent file and is instead created right before a run, used and then thrown out.
Optionally you can tell MyEcliupse to generate the file like the old behavior by going to project properties > MyEclipse-XDoclet > Build (tab) > “Use xdoclet-build.xml file”.
Pat OsterdayMemberI have seen that guide about the EAR project. For some reason, when trying to create the EAR project using existing Web/EJB projects, the META-INF directory is not created when using subclipse accessing a subversion repository. I will see if I have any logs/errors messages to see if it is a subclipse bug. I created a local EAR project and then copied the META-INF folder from there and now my EAR project in subversion is ok. (Sorry that I didn’t mention subclipse in the original post.)
Also, the xdoclet-build file method you mentoned worked for generating the files worked.
-Pat -