
attach source to jar file

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  • #284880 Reply

    I have an application and I need to debug code that exists in a jar file.
    In my .classpath,I signify this intent by the following line:
    <classpathentry sourcepath=”C:/dev/eclipse/MillimanTemplate/milliman_step_pageflow/source” path=”/hannover_newbiz_jars/milliman/milliman_step_pageflow.jar” kind=”lib”/>

    I would have thought that when I click on this .jar (milliman_step_pageflow.jar) file from Package Explorer; I’d be able to “drill”into the source.
    However, the eclipse IDE displays to binary code.

    The User guide states the following:
    The Source Attachment dialog can be reached in several ways:

    1) Select a JAR in the Package Explorer and choose Properties > Java Source Attachment from the context menu or the Project menu
    2) Open the Java Build Path page of a project (Projects > Properties > Java Build Path). On the Libraries page expand the library’s node and select the Source attachment attribute and press Edit

    When I try option 1, I am not presented with the “Java Source Attachment” option.
    When I try option 2, this works; the results are the .classpath line above.

    How do I display the source code. What am I doing wrong ?

    #284909 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Try not to edit the .classpath file directly. I suggest removing your manual modifications, then finding the JAR in your project, right-clicking it, going to Build Path and selecting “Add to Build Path”.

    Then it should be listed under the top level “Referenced Library” node, you can then expand that,find the JAR and adjust it’s source attachment from there.

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