I have an application and I need to debug code that exists in a jar file.
In my .classpath,I signify this intent by the following line:
<classpathentry sourcepath=”C:/dev/eclipse/MillimanTemplate/milliman_step_pageflow/source” path=”/hannover_newbiz_jars/milliman/milliman_step_pageflow.jar” kind=”lib”/>
I would have thought that when I click on this .jar (milliman_step_pageflow.jar) file from Package Explorer; I’d be able to “drill”into the source.
However, the eclipse IDE displays to binary code.
The User guide states the following:
The Source Attachment dialog can be reached in several ways:
1) Select a JAR in the Package Explorer and choose Properties > Java Source Attachment from the context menu or the Project menu
2) Open the Java Build Path page of a project (Projects > Properties > Java Build Path). On the Libraries page expand the library’s node and select the Source attachment attribute and press Edit
When I try option 1, I am not presented with the “Java Source Attachment” option.
When I try option 2, this works; the results are the .classpath line above.
How do I display the source code. What am I doing wrong ?