
Autogenerated back() button issue

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  • #351906 Reply


    I’ve got a select-list widget. When you select it, it navigates to a mobi generated
    page with the list items w/ a Back button at the top.

    This button works in the simulator but not on an ios7 device.

    I looked at the action function in app.js and it’s

    function() { phoneui.back();}

    Any solution?

    #351911 Reply

    Hi everst,

    A couple quesitons to try to help you on this.

    Is this happening all the time, or only on certain screens?

    Does this happen with every project? For example if you create a new one with two screen and only add the back button does it still not respond? If it does not work could you provide us a sample project of this issue?

    Have you tied this on iOS8 and if so does it still not work?


    #351925 Reply


    the phoneui.back() problem – wasn’t this introduced in ios7.

    After the first back – it no longer works.

    same in ios8.

    This can be easily replicated on a device – just create a select list – on selection
    the app navigates to a new auto-generated page with the list and BACK button
    at the top.

    On the device (not sim), after the first BACK – it no longer works.

    #351977 Reply


    Any help on this?

    #351985 Reply

    Hi everest,

    We have not been able to replicate this issue on any of our devices. Both Android and iOS seem to respond well and will let us keep going to the list and back as needed.

    Can you upload a sample project where you see this issue?


    #351987 Reply


    This is a webapp – not native app.

    #351988 Reply


    Ahh, webapps are notoriously buggy, but We did some tests(ios7 and ios8) as per your steps and we were not able to replicate the problem with the back button, do you have a url of this we could test? if not can you upload it as a webapp to the app center?


    #351989 Reply


    The back button has not worked right in web apps since Apple messed with Safari in iOS 7. I have experienced this ‘work the first time’ but not after that also. I have given up on web apps it’s just not worth the hassle, I would suggest you do the same.

    #352022 Reply


    @support-brandon wrote:


    Ahh, webapps are notoriously buggy, but We did some tests(ios7 and ios8) as per your steps and we were not able to replicate the problem with the back button, do you have a url of this we could test? if not can you upload it as a webapp to the app center?


    I can do it but I have to chop up a lot of code.

    The culprit javascript code is “history.back()”

    Just create a button with the action of “history.back()”

    is that working in ios7 device (not emulator) multiple times.

    #352062 Reply


    We are still not able to reproduce the issue. We have tried this link on an iOS7 device without any issues. It includes the back button using both the on click back, and on click run javascript using the history.back() call. The menu is the steps you provided earlier, then button is a new page that contains the two buttons with the different calls.


    #352193 Reply


    Just a closing note in this issue.

    The history.back() call doesn’t work on ios7 devices – after re-launching the ap..

    i.e. works when installed – but once you reinstall the app by clicking on it’s icon
    on the homescreen – no longer works.

    this applies to app cached webapps.

    Apparently fixed in ios8.

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