I have several projects I have to work on that are so messed up that ME never finishes building them. Well, let me rephrase that, it did finish building once and that took well over 9 hours.
The problem is I have only 8 hours a day to work which makes it impractical to leave auto build on. This is where the problem starts, I have some projects which are equally big but take only 3 or 4 minutes to rebuild from scratch and just a few seconds to build incrementally. I would love to have auto-build enabled for those projects and the ability to turn off auto-build (and validations) for others that are “less organized.”
Really, I would love a “This Project Sux” button that would skip all validation and auto-anything but keep the basics like auto-complete.
This would be a really cool feature for those of us not-so-blessed folk working on really whacked projects!