
Automatic Updates on OSX nor working properly

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  • #265306 Reply

    I’m running OSX 10.4.8 on a PowerBook, and Java 1.5.0_06.

    After I upgraded (reinstalled actually) Eclipse 3.2.1 and MyEclipseIDE Version: 5.1.0 GA (Build id: 20061111-5.1.0-GA) the Update Manager seeks new updates, like it should:

    Automatic Updates
    New updates are available and downloaded. Do you want to review and install them now? [No] [Yes]

    However, after installing these, and then restarting MyEclipseIDE, I get asked the same question – that new updates are available – even though Help -> Software Updates -> Manage Configuration (then View Installation History) displays success.

    Something obviously isn’t getting updated properly. I’ve run Disk Utility | Repair Permissions just to be safe with no change in behavior.

    I find nothing on the Forums about this.

    Any ideas?

    #265307 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    What updates are you seeing? They aren’t ours as 5.1.0 GA is the latest production release. I would guess it’s from another update site. Perhaps simply turning off the automatic check for updates is the easiest fix?

    #265345 Reply

    Apparently it’s an Eclipse update –

    The Eclipse Project Updates
    Eclipse 3.2.1
    Eclipse Project SDK 3.2.1.r321_v20060801-tQw49KnTArT0FZ

    No one else is having this issue?

    #265352 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    We haven’t seen it before, so we don’t have a quick fix. Have you tried restarting with -clean on the commandline to see if that resolves the issue? On Mac that has to go in one of the startup properties files since there’s no “commandline”.

    #265368 Reply

    Leo Blume

    I filed this as a bug with Eclipse.org a while back and wasn’t the first. It happens on Windows as well. 100% reproducible and freaking annoying to our development group 🙁

    I’m sadly convinced Eclipse’s update mechanism just doesn’t work (given I’ve worked on software products which successfully role out new software and patches and updates to 10000+ endpoints without a hitch, I am just sad).

    After going through another installation hell, this is my proposal for an Eclipse slogan: Eclipse Updates — It’s better than RPM!

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