
Axis2 Support

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  • #321320 Reply


    I’ve read several post asking about Axis2 support, and an almost flip anwer that “MyEclispe doesn’t support Axis2. Sorry about that.”

    1) The Eclipse version that you overload supports Axis2. All you do is download Axis2 and tell Eclipse where it is and you’re in business.
    2) Axis2 handles passing of objects rather than Strings and primative types. This is very important in some situations.

    I guess my question is how hard could it be to leave the native Eclipse support for Axis2 in MyEclipse and continue the support for JAX-WS and RESTFul?

    I hope enough people read this post and add to it to the point where you will consider it.

    #321489 Reply



    Thank you for your thoughts on Axis 2 support. This is a question more suited for Dev team members. I shall escalate this post to dev team members.

    #321513 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Sorry for the extremely delayed response. You can still use the in-built wizards that support Axis 2 by going to Window > Preferences > General > Capabilities – then click Advanced and enable the WTP deprecated item from the checkbox. The WTP web service wizards should now be available to you, you may know this already from reading prior posts.

    We have exposed this solution in the past, but stated that we cannot support web services generated in this way since they don’t use our tooling. However, at this time we do see the need for Axis 2 web service support and do intend to provide Axis 2 web service generation capabilities in the MyEclipse 10 stream.

    Hope this helps, please let me know if you would like to discuss further.

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