
Basic functionalities missing

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  • #309482 Reply


    Hey guys, great product! I’m using it for a few months now, and it really helped me a lot in visualizing how my web applications will look like on the real device.

    Still, I have noticed a few things missing from its basic functionality, that really… limit my usage of your product. First of all is the (in)ability of it handling the access to password protected directories (.htaccess authentications). I’m also using PhoneGap’s solution, and they do support it (even though they don’t support a lot of the stuff you do). I don’t think it would be too much trouble for you to implement that… would it?

    Secondly… I think your product, for some reason, triggers the “resize” JavaScript event twice (on page load and on orientation change). And I don’t think it supports the orientationchange event (native to smartphones mobile browsers).

    And third of all… as far as I noticed, the iPhone device displays the browser’s bottom buttons bar hovering the browser’s window, while in your case, it’s part of it (so, for a whole-screen layout, my web apps will have a white / blank bottom space in MobiOne, that would be covered by the device’s buttons bar in “real life” situation).

    Anyway… that’s it for now with my complains 🙂 Thanks again for all your efforts, and… hope to see new updates soon!

    #309502 Reply


    Good feedback. I’m on the product team so I will be sharing these points with the team to see how they fit into our current requirements and timeline.

    Genuitec Mobile Team

    #309504 Reply


    One more thing I forgot yesterday 🙂

    The window.open JS method doesn’t really respect the sent parameters (if I’m trying to open a certain width / height pop-up window… it always opens at a default, relatively big size one).

    Thanks for the quick reply!

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