
Beginner Query

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  • #272796 Reply


    I have been developing Java Web apps (Servlets, JSP’s) and simple command line java apps for a few years, and have developed in VB in tthe past. I am now trying to develop my first Swing app, and was hoping to use Matisse.
    Not sure where to start though. Do I use JDesktop Pane, multiple Frames, multiple forms, etc?
    Basically what I want is an app with a menu bar. It will default to a DB lookup screen, but will have buttons to add/modify/delete which will all display a different screen/dialog.
    There will also be other options from the menu bar which will display other screens, for creating lists, exporting to files, etc.
    Saw a cardlayout example which looked quite neat.
    Also tried dialogs, but they shouldnt really be used for pop up data entry screens, right?
    Any advice greatly appreciated

    #272823 Reply

    Loyal Water
    #272843 Reply


    Read through that a few days ago. Can follow it.
    Just need to know the best way to create an app where theres a main form, but other forms are required to open up if a button is clicked, menu item selected, etc.

    #272870 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You will want:

    1. JFrame will be the root of your main window.
    2. Yes, JDialog should only be used for popup data.
    3. You can add your JMenuBar to the JFrame and start adding JMenus (File/Edit/Help) and JMenuItems (Open, Save, Exit) to those menus

    I think what you want to search for is a good Swing Tutorial otherwise you will just have questions at each step of the process. Sun has a pretty good one and I’m sure there are a lot online.

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