
best application server for myEclipse ?URGENT HELP needed

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  • #215522 Reply


    Well I need some help from you on this App server selection.
    I am working on Master’s Final project and I need a free application server
    to work on for my project.(I needed a good IDE as well, which I have now as ME) Can u suggest me a fully functional Free application server that works
    seemless with myEclipse. how about jBoss 3.2.x vs weblogic 8.1(its just that i think weblogic 8.1 is li’l bit of an overkill for my purpose-but I will use it jBoss isnt perceived to be a good choice either by the myEclipse audience here at the forum)
    Rest I will take what you say on this..since you guys have enough experience on this matter to tell me what works very good…with ME.kindly make sure
    it must be properly documented as to how to make it work with myEclipse and have some good books in market for its overall functionality.
    I am using mySQL as my database.
    Kindly help.(IF it doesnt take me anywhere then I will try to make Sun AS8.0

    #215539 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    We recommend JBoss 3.2.5 if your application includes EJB’s or Tomcat 5 if it does not.

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