
Best solution to display editable table from sql DB

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  • #264204 Reply



    i’m working on a project and I have to display records from an sql table(no problem) but i’d like them to be easily editable from within that page. I remember this being very easy when I used asp(long time ago).

    e.g. bla bla bla bla bla bla [edit/del button which takes u to edit page with the fields already holding current data]
    …………………………. []
    …………………………. []
    …………………………. []
    …………………………. []
    [insert button which takes u to page with empty fields]

    But how can I do this with myeclipse. Is it built in or do I have to code it myself(and what would be the best aproach)

    So far I am only using html and servlets. The DB is running on my microsoft SQL 2005 server

    thanks in advance

    #264345 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > soft Dev

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