
best way to configure projects?

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  • #200121 Reply

    Mike Suiter

    i posted this at the end of another post, but it hasn’t received any responses for almost a week.

    i’m having difficulties trying to configure my myeclipse projects. prior to myeclipse, i already had one big eclipse project that contains our EJBs, JSPs, clients, etc. we use ant, which takes care of the build. here is our current project:

    wp33 project 
            server.ejb (my main ejb code) 
            demo.ejb (our demo ejb code) 
            demo.jsp (our demo jsp code) 

    this is all under one folder on the drive. now, i want to create additional projects for my existing EJBs, etc. to take advantage of the myeclipse features. what is the best way to do this? can i keep the EJB code in both my main project and new myeclipse EJB project, and possible link them so both projects see the same code? ideally, i would like to keep all my source code under one folder on the filesystem, but i don’t know if this is possible with multiple projects.

    any help would be greatly appreciated. if i can get past this, then i have the green light to buy copies for all our developers. myeclipse looks like a great product. if phone or email might be a better way to help me, let me know.

    #200126 Reply


    MyEclipse EJB projects are basically enhanced Java projects. Thus you can use linking and filtering on the project’s build path to association a subset of Java code in a src tree with an EJB project. We are working on similar flexibility for web projects.

    I hope this helps.

    MyEclipse Support

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