
BLOB viewer or editor

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  • #212056 Reply



    Is it possible to view and/or edit an Oracle BLOB or a CLOB with the Database Explorer ?



    #212059 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Since a BLOB can literally be *anything*, I’m not sure how we could possibly view or edit such a thing. Or am I missing something?

    #212062 Reply


    I stored XML in a CLOB field in an Oracle database.
    I wanted to know if it was possible to view my XML with the SQL Editor.

    Thx in advance.

    #212063 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    A *CLOB* is a different story because we at least know what it’s supposed to be. However, I still don’t know if that capability exists, unfortunately. I’ll kick this thread to the developer for that component and ask him to weigh in here.

    #212069 Reply


    Specifically, I do not know. If JFaceDBC/SqlExplorer supported this, then the answer is probably yes. There were some Oracle specific plugins that were not migrated over when I incorporated the plugin into ME.

    However, the best way to answer your question is to, of course, try it yourself 😉 Do you have access to a development or QA instance of the database? If so, give it a whirl. If not, try creating some test data in the database that you can fiddle with.

    #223538 Reply


    We use Oracle’s XML DB pretty extensively which returns data as CLOBs. We cannot view these using the Database Explorer. We are currently using Version: 3.8.2 Build id: 200409171200-3.8.2 We need to be able to view this data. An example is select to_clob(‘my text’) from dual. In Database Explorer it returns <Clob>. It would be more helpful if it returned “my text”.

    #223623 Reply


    DE currently does not support CLOB/BLOB types. I am not aware of any plans to do so in the immediate future, but will enter a request.

    #237225 Reply


    has there been any change on this? … does the new oracle connector delivered with 4.0GA help with clobs?

    #246564 Reply

    Tim Crockett

    This sure would be a handy feature. The Quantum DB plugin for eclipse handles CLOB’s nicely. I would sure prefer to us the MyEclipse DB Explorer though….

    #251288 Reply

    I wish this was implemented as well!!! It really stinks when you have to go and use another plugin/program just to look at your “clob” data. 🙁

    #262510 Reply

    I’d also vote for this. Also Squirrel SQL has this facility and I’d like to use DBE as the only SQL client…

    #262513 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Your requests have been noted, I’ve added this to an internal list of DB features which will be evaluated for inclusion in our next release.

    Thank you for asking.

    #267642 Reply


    Is there a URL or ticket# we can use to track the progress on this feature add? I looked in the “New and Noteworthy” lists and in the Roadmap and didn’t see any mention of it.

    It wouldn’t happen to be in the new 5.1.1 release would it?

    #280620 Reply

    Kathy Kurth

    Any news regarding this feature? Please note that Toad also supports viewing CLOBs by double-clicking on the field. I also store XML in CLOBs and need to view them. It’s a bummer to have to launch another tool.

    #280621 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    No news right now bob, but I want to push for this in our next release if I can.

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