
Block comments on partitions, not highlighted text [Closed]

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  • #217568 Reply

    Chuck Deal

    While editting a JSP…

    When I use the Toggle comment in a SCRIPT section it works on just the highlighted text. When I use “Add Block Comment” Ctrl-Shft-/, I expect it to work only on the highlighted text as well, however it appears to work on the partition instead, ignoring the highlighted text.

    Is this the desired effect?

    #217647 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Checking on this…

    #217656 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I checked with the dev and this behavior is working as intended. Sorry if it was confusing/unclear.

    #217688 Reply

    Chuck Deal

    Ok. Is there a reason why it would do this? Is there another feature that would do what I expect?

    I don’t think it is a big deal, because the Toggle comment does honor the highlighted text, so I can use that instead.

    #217692 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We can look into changing the behavior, but for now using Toggle comment is probably the way to go. Our plates are pretty full so honestly this would be at the bottom of our todo list behind show stopping bugs and critical enhancements and might not get the attention it needs right now.

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