
Bogus(?) error in *.xml files

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  • #276501 Reply

    Andy Ghosh

    I am using myeclipse 6.0.0 GA.

    I am developing an enterprise project consisting of an EJB and an WEB project.

    In some of my xml files, or inside xdoclet tags, I am seeing a lot of curly yellow lines underlining word(s). If I take my mouse over the word, the error message states something is mis-spelled. For example,

    a line like


    has the “javax” word underlined with an error message “The word ‘javax’ is not correctly spelled”. This is obviously an incorrect message because the word <U>is</U> spelled correctly.

    Any thoughts?

    #276513 Reply

    Loyal Water

    The spell checker is a part of the platform, you can either add those words to your dictionary (click CTRL+1 when you are on a mispelled word) or you can turn it off. It’s under Windows > Prefs > General > Text Editors > Spelling.

    #287254 Reply


    I am using MyEclipse version 6.0.1 GA

    I have noticed that the default spelling dictionary seems to be lacking a lot of valid words. I’ve had to add things like “conglomerate”, “hexadecimal”, “rote”, “verbatim”, and “deprecated”

    Someone might want to make it more comprehensive.

    #287360 Reply

    Loyal Water

    I’ll make a note of this request. I would suggest you should cross post this request on the Eclipse forums as well. That you for your feedback.

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