
Bracket matching in JSP Editor [Enhancement]

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  • #201777 Reply

    I can’t seem to get bracket matching to work in the MyEclipse JSP Editor. I would have assumed it would work the same way as the Eclipse Java Editor, but it doesn’t. I love the fact that I can use auto-complete in the JSP editor, but the fact htat i can’t use bracket matching is very annoying. If it’s not there already, what’s the chances of getting it put in?

    I’m using Eclipse 2.1.2, MyEclipse 2.7RC2, WinXP.


    #201778 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    Can you give a little more detail about what kind of bracket matching you want? Do you just want the editor to highlight the corresponding bracket? Do you want it to insert it when you insert the opening bracket? etc.

    #201782 Reply


    I want it to work like the Java Editor that comes with Eclipse. i.e Highlighs matching brace, and more importantly (usefully?) be able to double click just after the brace (or before if and ending brace) and have it highlight the text between the two matching braces. (See the “Find the matching bracket” section in the Java Tips and Tricks)

    Another thing I noticed that isn’t featured in the JSP Editor is the code navigation functionality from the Java Editor. (i.e. being able to hold down the Ctrl key and then navigate to a method or class. See the “Open on a selection in the Java editor” in the Java Tips and Tricks)

    I assumed (probably shouldn’t have) that the JSP Editor was simply an extension of hte Java editor, and would therefore have all the Java editor features. Am I wrong to have done so?

    Thanks for you prompt reply,

    #201784 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I think these are all good suggestions, I’ll forward them on to the appropriate people.

    ASFAIK the JSP editor is a custom editor not ncessarily extending the Java editor, but I could be wrong. I’ll have Scott hop in here and shed some light on things.

    #201879 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    The JSP editor is entirely custom and does not extend the Java editor. Additionally, brace matching is already an open enhancement request. 🙂

    #201941 Reply

    Thanks Scott. Can I ask for another enhancement, and that being the code navigation. Is it possible to find a big list of the outstanding “open enhancement requests” with perhaps a basic idea of when they will be included in a release? Thanks.

    #201956 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Is it possible to find a big list of the outstanding “open enhancement requests” with perhaps a basic idea of when they will be included in a release?

    Unforuntately not. That is on a whiteboard in one of our meeting rooms and is in a state of constant flux due to a variety of corporate concerns (like how loud y’all scream for stuff ;-), as well as some other things which I’m not privvy to. It’s always a work in progress.

    #201978 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Does Gentuitec have a digital camera laying around the office? 🙂

    #202738 Reply


    @scott wrote:

    (like how loud y’all scream for stuff)

    <b>SCREAM</b> 😮
    i would like to see these enhancements, i really miss them (brace/quotation/parenthesis/bracket matching and code navigation). it would even be nice if you could implement html tag matching (would really help on those table heavy pages), but that is only a dream 😉

    #232048 Reply


    @support-scott wrote:

    The JSP editor is entirely custom and does not extend the Java editor. Additionally, brace matching is already an open enhancement request. 🙂

    I don’t see that jumping to the matching brace is available in the javascript editor either. This is a rather old post but it’s a clear need – especially for those of us inheriting legacy code 🙄

    thanks for any update on this.

    oh yeah. PS- <b>SCREAM</b>

    #232077 Reply

    Victor Ott

    Maybe I’m misunderstanding something from the last two posts, and here is what I am seeing with E 3.0.2 & ME 3.8.4+QF2 in the JSP & HTML editor:
    – double click after a opening/closing brace/bracket/parenthesis: selects the text between open&close
    – move cursor right behind the opening/closing brace/bracket/parenthesis: the matching one is highlighted.
    The appears to behave like the JAVA editor.

    Ok, on _rare_ occasions, double clicking after the closing brace selects much too much code, before the opening brace, but I’ve seen this in JAVA editor too. [I promise next time I’ll backup such a file and email it.]

    The original poster mentioned E 2.1.2 and ME 2.7RC2, and this was one year ago… Is this not a good reason to update to Eclipse 3.x ?

    #232174 Reply


    I’m using Eclipse 3.1 and ME_4_0M2_E3_1_MANUALINSTALL. I was referring to the javascript editor moreso than the jsp editor. For me, highlighting the text between braces (double clicking) never works, apparantly marking random amounts of text both much more and much less than that demarked by braces.

    #232762 Reply

    Double clicking works – when you dbl click instide a tag. It would be oh so usefull to be able to select the stuff between opening and closing tag – like the
    <table> I mean all this here </table>
    This may require some key assignment since dbl click would be ambiguous.
    Some think like this – put the cursor inside the opening (or closing) tag – hit the key combination/context menu – get the whole node selected (BTH applicable to any xml )

    The other more HTML/XML editor thing that would be a god send – folding – like you fold java functions and comments for the things like <table> etc.

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