
Bugzilla search can’t find MY bugs

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  • #233200 Reply

    Rafi Jacoby

    Setting up the MyEclipse Bugzilla search to duplicate the “My Bugs” function of Bugzilla does not give me the same results.

    It will bring back bugs where I was the ‘reporter’ but not the bugs I am the ‘owner’ of.

    Bugzilla Query (with server/user info taken out):

    Bugzilla Search box in MyEclipse (only the following filled in):

      – Status highlighted:
      – NEW
      – ASSIGNED
      – REOPENED

    – Email boxes checked:

      – Bug owner
      – Reporter

    – “Email contains” pulldown set to:

      – exact

    – Email field:

    Using versions:
    Eclipse 3.1.0
    MyEclipse 4.0M2 (Bugzilla feature 3.9.210)
    Bugzilla Server 2.16.5

    Looks to me like I’ve completely duplicated the contents of the Bugzilla URL request in the MyEclipse search box.

    Is this a known issue?

    #233238 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We appreciate the report and will add it to the list of things we need to fix up with the BZ plugin. For 4.0 it will remain mostly the same but we are hoping to get some time after to fix some of the outstanding bugs in it.

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