
buildCommand added to non-ME .projects [Closed]

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  • #213944 Reply

    Kevin Hunter

    It appears that MyEclipse is adding <buildCommand> tags to the .project files of all projects that Eclipse uses, not just those associated with MyEclipse or that have had MyEclipse capabilities added to it. I participate in a SourceForge project that has nothing to do with J2EE. When I recently did a “clean checkout” of the projects from SourceForge, I immediately found that the section
    had been added to each of the .project files. I assume that this is from MyEclipse, since the com.ibm.sse.model_13.8.1 package is part of the MyEclipse installation.

    This doesn’t seem appropriate to me, and, if left in, causes warnings to be logged on other people’s systems.

    #213959 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I confirmed this and filed it as a bug, thank you!

    #216442 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Fixed in 3.8.2: the builder can now be removed and won’t be readded.

    #216594 Reply


    Really, I get builders added every time I start my eclipse. Just removed about 6 structured document builders by editing .project, could not do it in eclipse as it gets crashed before I can get there! Only difference may be, that this used to be a web-project. First try to stop this was remove web capabilities. The symbole is gone, the problem remains! I just deinstalled 3.8.2, I got to get some work done and there is no way to do this with the current problems I got 🙁

    #216609 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    What version of Eclipse? What is the Build ID?

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