
Building workspace is very slow [Closed]

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  • #220243 Reply


    Building a web project is very slow.

    Looking at the progress tab, it has
    “Validation of intranet by XML Validator has started….”
    (intranet is the name of the project)

    This has been going on for over 30 minutes and still is at 0% for building the workspace. There isn’t much for the way of XML files in this project, what exactly is the XML Validator doing? Could it be timing out looking for DTDs?

    The only XML files I can think of are the TLD files and the Struts config files.

    I’m using:
    Eclipse 3.0.1
    MyEclipse 3.8.2
    JDK 1.4.2
    Windows XP Pro

    #220252 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You can turn off XML validation as a temporary workaround. We have had reports of rediculously long validation times (4hrs) with large schema and XML docs and have the documents as well as the bugs filed and are investigating them. We should have this worked out soon.

    #220277 Reply


    Thanks, now things have at least moved onto JSP compiling. So far compiling JSPs is much slower that JDeveloper (version 9i), JDeveloper took 20 mins where MyEclipse has been chugging away for over an hour. Any recomendations?

    #220279 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Each JSP page should take around 1 second, give or take… are you not seeing this?

    20 mins to compile a web application is pretty huge, I’m guessing this application is quite large?

    #220283 Reply


    798 JSPs, I have a clean build that has been running for the last 35 mins. The JSPs make have use of JSTL and custom tag libraries, maybe that’s the cause.

    #220290 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    798 JSPs == ~1200 seconds (1.5 seconds per) == 20mins average

    Even if you double that to 3 seconds a page (is this what you observe if you validate a page?) is still 40 mins, less than the “over and hour” estimate you gave… I wonder if you are running into memory issues? Do you give ME plenty of ram? (256?)

    And yes heavy use of libs does cost in compile time. The compile process is the Jasper2 compiler run over the JSP page to make a servlet Java file, then javac run on the Java file. We can look into speeding this up in the future by moving back to using the JDT compiler, but aparently its a pretty serious PIA to get the compiling environment setup correctly for the JDT compiler to run so we are using javac for now. It is an open enhancment.

    Also IIRC Jasper2 isn’t the fastest compiler on earth… and just the plain fact that your project is huge. You shouldn’t need to rebuild it more than once a week at most I imagine as MyEclipse supports hot deploy you should only be needing icremental builds mostly.

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