
button to play last video recorded

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  • #352543 Reply


    Can I make button to play last video recoded in my mobile.

    Pls help me

    thank u

    #352549 Reply


    I dont believe there is a way to play the last video recorded without custom coding it into your app.
    Example steps you will probably need to take:
    1. Open camera to take video
    2. Save video to device or server
    3. Store that location in a variable to reference
    4. Call the file location reference to load in the devices default video player

    #352553 Reply


    thank u very much

    This is actually required .. wonderful. Is there a code doing this through two steps of the first button buttons for video recording and the second to view this section which was recorded .. Please, please help me, give me this code


    #352557 Reply


    I don’t have any sample code of how to do this. Might be worth it to search google or stack overflow for recording and playing back video with Phonegap.

    #352607 Reply


    what do people think about the smartface programming environment?

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