
C#/.Net Plugin Development

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  • #238749 Reply


    Hey guys, I llike your plugin for J2EE(and related stuff). Question is will you be developing a plugin for Microsoft’s .NET solutions? I like Eclipse better than Visual Studio (VS bites a big one), but I’ve only seen a few plugins for .NET. At work we use C#/.NET not Java/J2EE.

    As far as marketing goes you could have a very strong position in web development by offering up plugins to both solutions. Whichever way the market goes J2EE/.NET (assuming it goes one way or the other)you would be covered.

    #238784 Reply

    +1 for this.

    #238878 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    There are no public plans yet to address .NET development, but if there is one thing I know, it’s that we are user-request-driven. If enough people wanted it, or a company with enough contracts wanted it, we would consider looking into it, but it would need to be a very large commitment from both ends and not a simple or quick task (since you are essentially talking about an entire new product).

    #238966 Reply


    @support-rkalla wrote:

    There are no public plans yet to address .NET development, but if there is one thing I know, it’s that we are user-request-driven. If enough people wanted it, or a company with enough contracts wanted it, we would consider looking into it, but it would need to be a very large commitment from both ends and not a simple or quick task (since you are essentially talking about an entire new product).

    I kind of figured that. I doubt many would support it on this board(its mostly J2EE community), but you may find support/interest in other communities where the emphasis is on .NET or web development in general.

    #238970 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Honestly it’s a good suggestion, I’ll just throw it out there during our next meetings and maybe get some wheels turning. Nothing would happen over night, but it might become part of our future game plan. Thank you for bringing this up.

    #240590 Reply


    @support-rkalla wrote:

    Honestly it’s a good suggestion, I’ll just throw it out there during our next meetings and maybe get some wheels turning. Nothing would happen over night, but it might become part of our future game plan. Thank you for bringing this up.

    rkalla, has the meeting happened, if so, what was the reaction? Just curious.

    #240592 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The word on the street is “no .NET in ’05”, and don’t ask me what that means for ’06, because I have no idea 😉

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
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