
CactusTask for Ant

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  • #230320 Reply

    doug bloomfield

    I am trying to use Ant to run my CactusStrutsTestCase, but I’ve discovered that I need to tell Eclipse about the optional Task ‘cactus’. I’ve tried adding this task through Window -> Preferences -> Ant -> Runtime -> Tasks -> Add Task, but the location of the file is limited to Eclipse plugins dealing with Ant.

    How do I add CactusTask to Eclipse?? Any help would be appreciated.

    #230335 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev, this is an Eclipse issue.

    Also typically to add new taskdefs you need to add the JAR to your classpath that contains the task implementation and then in your Ant file you usually have a tag like <taskdef blahblahblah /> that defines the task.

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