- This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 20 years ago by
Riyad Kalla.
wdscofieldMember– System Setup ——————————-
Operating System and version: W2000sp2
Eclipse version: 3.1.0
Eclipse build id: 200412162000
Fresh Eclipse install (y/n): y
If not, was it upgraded to its current version using the update manager?
Other installed external plugins:
Number of plugins in the <eclipse>/plugins directory that begin with org.eclipse.pde.*: 0
MyEclipse version: 3.8.4
Eclipse JDK version: 1.4.2
Application Server JDK version: 1.4.2
Are there any exceptions in the Eclipse log file? NoIf this is a DB related question please answer the following:
RDBMS vendor and version:
JDBC driver vendor and version, and access type (thin, type-2, etc):
Connection URL:
Eclipse error logs related to com.genuitec.eclipse.sqlexplorer packages:– Message Body ——————————-
I did fresh installs of the latest builds of eclipse and myeclipse. I can no longer start Weblogic 6.1. Server configuration copied over from previous install. I get two error messages: 1st – “could not find the Main class. Program will exit.” 2nd – “A configuration error occurred during startup. Please verify the preference field with the prompt: Java.lang.noClasDefFoundError: Files/SQLLIB/bin;C:/j2sdk1/4/2_04/bin Exception in thread Main”I have three ‘Append to library path’ bin directories specified:
c:/program files/sqllib/bin
c:/j2sdk1.4.2_04/binIf I remove these files, the server starts up but I obviously get db2 connection pool errors and others that rely on these files. The minute I put any one (or combination thereof) of these files back in, I get the two errors noted above. I also noted in this build as well as older builds that if you place too many entries in the ‘Prepend to classpath’ list, that the ‘Append to library path’ disappears and becomes unusable next time you enter the paths tab. Ihave to remove ‘Prepend to classpath’ entries to get the ‘Append to library path’ list back. I don’t know if the two are related. I didn’t have server startup problems under 3.1M1 with the exact same Weblogic 6 configuration. I still have 3.1M1 on my machine in a separate location so I can use it for the time being. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thx, Bill
Riyad KallaMemberBill,
The problem is that one of your library path entries has a space in it “C:\Program Files\SQLLIB\bin”, please move this to a location without spaces in it (you can copy the important DLLs to a shorter path for the time being).This is a bug we are looking at getting fixed for 4.0, sorry you have to run into this problem.
Additionally, the BETA version of MyEclipse is only supported on Eclipse 3.1M4, not any other M-builds, you may experience instabilities (more so than normal on a beta platform) if you mix MyEclipse 3.8.4 BETA with any other M-build.
wdscofieldMemberHi Riyad,
That did fix the problem with my server startup. Also, I do believe I am running eclipse 3.1M4. Wouldn’t that be build 200412162000? I just want to be sure you weren’t indicating that I was using some other version. I do want to be on M4.
Will you also be addressing my issue with having the ‘Append to library path’ window disappear if there are many entries listed in the ‘Prepend to classpath’ window? It’s bothersome to have to remove a bunch of entries in the ‘Prepend to classpath’ window in order to be able to modify entries in the ‘Append to library path’.
Thanks for your prompt reply.
Riyad KallaMemberBill as far as the window disappearing, ALL of this stuff is going to get ripped out and replaced with new infrastructure for our 5.0 release, so most likely no changes will be made against the current design (it is a long-overdue hold over from our early releases that we will be happy to see go).