- This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 4 months ago by Scott Anderson.
Timothy D. WithamMemberSo I installed the 4.0 and now I’m trying to create a new workspace within the overall project space for the UML diagrams.
) Opened on existing, default workspace
2) Use File > Switch Workspace… to create and switch to a new empty
3) Created a Java project using File > New… > Java Project
4) Tried to create a new UML Model repository with File > New… > Other… >
MyEclipse > UML > UML Model RepositoryBut clicking on next just flashes the next button and keeps that menu
up. I can try and create other – other repositories some go to the next step
some done.I don’t use Eclipse very often so I can’t help but feel that I’m missing
something simple.Here is my system summary:
** Date: Wed Sep 07 15:14:37 PDT 2005
*** Platform Details:
*** System properties:
/home/wookie/Documents/Projects/SC3/workspace<elided by admin>
Scott AndersonParticipantGot it!
You’re using an old milestone version of Eclipse 3.1 and it’s not compatible with MyEclipse 4.0GA.
You’ll need to install a fresh version of Eclipse 3.1 final and then install only MyEclipse 4.0GA such
that it points to the new installation. With that, you should be good to go.
Timothy D. WithamMemberOK, so when I do Help -> Software Updates and then take either of the two
options why doesn’t it find any updates for me to install? I tought that
was what should happen.
Scott AndersonParticipantNormally, we do provide an update site, but we couldn’t for this release due to the explaination we provided
in the post in the MyEclipse IDE Announcements forum: http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-8781.htmlEclipse likely can’t provide an update from their milestone because they don’t update version numbers during the milestoning process (everything is listed as 3.0.0).
Timothy D. WithamMemberOK, so I went and redownloaded both Eclipse and the MyEclipse releases.
First I deleted the Eclipse and MyEclipse directories.
Then I installed (as root) Eclipse into /opt/eclipse
and I installed (as root) MyEclipse into /opt/MyEclipse
and then I launched Eclipse as root. It did not ask
me to accept any new features.I then went and launched /opt/eclipse/eclipse from
my user account (wookie) and the problem was
exactly the same.Then I got to thinking – maybe it is a license issue.
I had to install the license originally into the root
user in order to do the updates. (This is because
the root user owns the files.) So I moved the
license key to the wookie account and it now
works.This is an issue for Linux users. You really should
have the software not installed in the users directory.
(All sorts of security issues if you do.) But if I
follow good security practices then then I have to
either purchase an extra license for my root user
or I have to move the license key back and forth
every time I need to update.Also just hanging when if should be saying –
“not licensed” isn’t a good idea.Tim
The current build IDs:
Eclipse I2005627-1435
MyEclipse 20050829-4.0.0-GA
Scott AndersonParticipantTim,
There is an issue on Linux that won’t let trial licenses be installed as one user but run by another. This is easily detectable by us by the messages placed in the eclipse log file, which is why we request it in our Posting Guidelines (at the top of the forum). I should’ve hit you up for this immediately as it would’ve allowed me to uncover both issues (old Eclipse and cross-usage) in once reply post.
As far as your license goes, you can enter it in both your root and user accounts without issue, as long as you’re the only user. This allows you to update as you like and then run under your user account, if you prefer. Sorry for the confusion.