
Can’t debug application on any device

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  • #352306 Reply


    Seems to be a great tools that will be usefull… but not now ^^

    My configurations :
    – windows 7 and I just installed gap debug
    – iPhone 5 with iOS 8 with safari web inspector enabled. Approved device on my computer
    – Nexus 7 with android 4.4.4 with USB debugger enabled. Approved device on my computer
    – on my computer i’ve got chrome, itunes and iTunesHelper process running, installed USB drivers for my android

    Both my devices appear in gapDebug panel. I can install my application on both. But when I launch the application, I can’t see it below the device hence I can’t debug it.

    I’ve build the ipa and ipk with phonegap build and debug mode activated, but nothing particular in config.xml

    Someone to help me ? maybe I can dl a working debug application to test if it’s my app or my installtion ?

    Thanks in advance

    #352307 Reply


    Ha, didn’t read the topic saying that chrome v38 has an issue with debugging…. I have chrome v38. So I will wait for this ‘bug’ to be solved. Sorry

    #352312 Reply

    We will be rolling out an update very shortly. If you restart GapDebug, not just the user interface, but the entire GapDebug you should see it update and that should solve this image.

    #352316 Reply


    yes ! it did.
    the application update and now it works.

    thanks for the quick support and I already love this application !

    #352332 Reply

    Glad to hear its working for you! Thanks for the feedback, watch for some new features!

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