
Can’t find org.eclipse.ui.console

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  • #259007 Reply


    I’m using MyEclipse 5 with Eclipse 3.2 but I don’t find the following packages: org.eclipse.ui.console, org.eclipse.update.core and org.eclipse.update.ui. I have searched for them everywhere, on all the eclipse/myeclipse websites, I’m googleing since several days, impossible to fins any trace of them. Since on the Eclipse site there is no way to know what bundle contains a jar, I downloaded, one by one, all the possible bundle, without finding anything. Could someone please point me to a web site or provide me with these jars before I get made ?
    Many thanks in advance.

    #259030 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Those are all provided by the base platform.

    #259099 Reply

    Could you please be more specific and mention exactly what do you mean by the “base platform” ? If you mean eclipse-SDK-3.2-win32.zip, then it doesn’t contain the jars I’m looking for. This is equaly true for eclipse-3.2-win32.zip, eclipse-RCP-3.2-win32.zip, eclipse-RCP-SDK–3.2-win32.zip, eclipse-platform-3.2-win32.zip, eclipse-platform-SDK-3.2-win32.zip, eclipse-JDT-SDK-3.2-win32.zip, eclipse-JDT-3.2-win32.zip, eclipse-PDE-SDK-3.2-win32.zip, eclipse-PDE-3.2-win32.zip and swt-3.2-win32-win32-x86.zip.

    Kind regards,


    #259100 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev

    Yes the SDK is what I was referring to, but I’m sure the platform install includes them as well:

    If you don’t see them, then your install may be corrupt or incomplete.

    #259255 Reply

    All right. I just downloaded, once again, eclipse-SDK-3.2-win32.zip. The download was okay, I’m able to open the zip and to uncompress it, which elimintates any possibility that the install be corrupt. Now the only reason it may be incomplete, as you’re saying, would be if the original bundle on the website is incomplete, which I don’t beleive. Accordingly, I have elimnated also any possibility that the install be incomplete. Now, in this fresh installation, I’m creating a project. I’m typing import org.eclipse.ui.console.*; and I don’t have to go further because the compiler says “The import org.eclipse.ui.console.*; cannot be resolved”. This only happens concerning org.eclipse.ui.console.*; org.eclipse.update.core.; and org.eclipse.update.ui;* while every thing else is okay (at least I didn’t notice any other problem). Looking in the eclipse plugins directory I dont find any org.eclipse.ui packages excepted example and workbench compatibility, which don’t contain any console package. What a shame that the png file you have attached doesn’t apear on my screen, the site http://www.box.net being filtered by our firewall. So, I will insist to know how and where to find these packages since I really have code using them, which doesn’t compile.

    Many thanks in advance,


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