
can’t make Web Root Dir the root of project [Enhancement]

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  • #202953 Reply


    On my project, all the JSPs and the WEB-INF dir are in the root of my eclipse project. This is because we have a separate eclipse project and CVS dir for the web/client tier.

    I can’t add Web Project Capabilities to my project, because the dialog won’t let me specify the root (nothing, or “.”) as the Web Root Directory.

    How can I use myeclispe Web Project Capabilities on this project?

    Reorganizing the directory structure is not an option.


    #202958 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We might need you to hold tight for a few weeks, this is one of the enhancements comming in the next release:

    We are tightening up plans to increase web-project flexibility in an upcoming release. Planned enhancement include:
    1) Allow a web-project folder to serve as web-root folder
    2) Support linked resources, folders & files
    3) Support multiple web-content folders
    4) Allow WEB-INF folder to reside separate from web-content folders

    Sorry for the inconvenience. Is a possible workaround for now to create your project, then checkout the real web project one level down into that project directory, atleast until this problem is solved on our end?

    #202961 Reply

    I’ll just wait for the new release. Thanks.

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