
can’t read from a relation table

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  • #268622 Reply


    Hi everybody,

    I am using Hibernate on an Oracle DB, and I have a problem while reading from a relation table. The query correctly executes, but resultset is empty!

    I try to describe the situation: I have a table for the “doctors” (or “medici”) and another for the place where they work (or “ambulatori”). The relation is many-to-many, so I have also a relation table which refers to both tables “medici” and “ambulatori”.
    The auto-generated mapping maps the relation as a collection, e.g. from the mapping for the table “medici” I have the following:

        <bag name="ccT29CupAmbulatoriMany" table="CC_T36_CUP_MEDICI_AMB" cascade="merge">
          <key foreign-key="CC_MEDICI_AMB_FK">
            <column name="T36_ID_MEDICO_INT" not-null="true" length="20"/>
            <column name="T36_DATAINIZIOVALIDITAMED" not-null="true" length="8"/>
            <column name="T36_ID_UNITALOGICAMED" not-null="true" length="10"/>
            <column name="T36_ID_ENTEULMED" not-null="true" length="10"/>
            <column name="T36_DATAINIZIOVALIDITAULMED" not-null="true" length="8"/>
          <many-to-many entity-name="it.ss.cup.model.CcT29CupAmbulatori" foreign-key="CC_AMB_MEDICI_FK">
            <column name="T36_ID_AMBULATORIO" not-null="true" unique="true" index="PK_CC_T36_CUP_MEDICI_AMB" length="10"/>
            <column name="T36_ID_EROGATOREAMB" not-null="true" length="10"/>
            <column name="T36_ID_UNITALOGICAERAMB" not-null="true" length="10"/>
            <column name="T36_ID_ENTEULERAMB" not-null="true" length="10"/>
            <column name="T36_DATAINIZIOVALIDITAULERAMB" not-null="true" length="8"/>
            <column name="T36_DATAINIZIOVALIDITAERAMB" not-null="true" length="8"/>
            <column name="T36_DATAINIZIOVALIDITAAMB" not-null="true" length="8"/>

    The problem here is that when I try to read from the collection with the query:

    from CcT35AngMediciInterni as M join M.ccT29CupAmbulatoriMany as B

    from the ORM explorer, the query correctly executes, but the resultset is empty!!

    Can anyone help me? What could be wrong?

    #268636 Reply

    Haris Peco

    You probably have wrong mappings.Can you send your table/pk/fks ddl (create table,primary and foreign key) ?

    What tools you use ? What is ORM explorer ?


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