
Can’t run java under MyEclipse error=13

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  • #302120 Reply

    Thomas Holmes

    I just installed GWT, the Google Widget Toolkit, and myEclipse upgraded itself to 7.5.
    I went to create a new GWT app, and I get the message:

    Cannot run program “/home/tholmes/Genuitec/Common/binary/com.sun.java.jdk.linux.x86_1.6.0.013/jre/bin/java”: java.io.IOException: error=13, Permission denied

    I can go directly to that Java directory and execute java and javac just fine.
    So, I don’t get why I would have this issue.

    I tried ./myeclipse – clean and that did not solve the issue.

    I have to work on a GWT-RPC project ASAP and I am flustered that this is an issue right now.


    #302137 Reply

    Loyal Water

    GWT is not certified to run with MyEclipse. Maybe you are running into some compatibility issue here but Im afraid I don’t have a workaround for you.

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