
can’t start jonas server

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  • #221531 Reply



    jonas 4.1
    eclipse 3.0.1
    myeclipse 3.8.3

    when I launch jonas server from the run/stop server icon I got this error

    a configuration error occured during starting please verify the preference field with the prompt Jonas JDK name.

    I did it configured it so jonas run with the 1.4 vm but still run out the error.

    what should I do?,

    #221537 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    THe problem is that you’re trying to start Jonas with a 1.4 JRE, not a full JDK. Information on configuring the application server connectors properly is included in the bundled Help in the product at Help > MyEclipse Application Developer Guide or in the Application Server Quickstart document available in the Documentation section here:

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