This is something I have had problems with before but I have never posted the issues.
I have a lot of javascript resources and myeclipse just seems to want to validate all of them. I have tried the following
1. right click on the folder or individual JS resource and do MyEclipse -> Exclude from validation
2. Preferences -> MyEclipse -> Files and Editors -> Validation, toggle suspend all validators and don’t allow projects to override the setting.
When I do 2, a full build is started at wioch point, Myeclipse throws a NPE
“org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ResourceException: Errors occurred during the build.
Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder ‘JavaScript Validator’ on project ‘xxx”.
At the end of all this, I still see red bobs next to my JS files. Also, the whole thing takes ages because I have a local install of something called DOJO which has lots of JS files.