
Cannot display changed icons on bottom menu bar – CLOSED

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  • #345072 Reply

    I am replacing the src image for the bottom bar icons with another one to indicate a selected state.
    Original ones are black, and I replace them with the same image in white.

    I use the getElementById and change the src part.

    It works great in the web simulator. However it will not work correctly in the Iphone.
    I keep getting a TabBar display with the pressed icon showing as blank. (see pictures)

    TabBar1 – shows opening menu bar (correct)
    TabBar2 – Shows menu bar after pressing the second icon (Monu). Both 1st and 2nd icons are not displayed correctly.
    TabBar3 – shows what the correct display should look like after pressing 2nd icon (monu).

    TabBar3 picture was taken from the web simulator where all is working correctly.

    I tried using refresh command. It only redisplays the original startup screen.
    I tried hiding and making the TabBar visible, did not work.

    I am using ver 2.5.0(20131028) on a Win7 system.
    I am testing with Cordova 2.9.
    My iPhone is model 4 running IOS 6.1.3

    Any ideas on how I can achieve an icon swap on touch event will be appreciated.

    Thanks, TG

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    #345073 Reply

    Hi Guys,

    I just figured it out.
    For some reason the IPA generation process does not include the icon images referenced by src change code, even though they are in the images directory as assets.

    So I had to manually select each image by placing a checkmark next to it in the generation Files&Data section.

    This is issue is closed.


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