
Cannot drag/drop table from DB Explorer to Crystal Reports

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  • #293564 Reply


    I am using MyEclipse 6.5 over Eclipse 3.3.3R33 and have installed the Crystal Reports plugin for Eclipse, 1.0.4. I am using Enterprise Data base for the tables

    I am unable to drag/drop a table from MyEclipse DB Explorer to the data layout of Crystal Reports. This is the same exact problem reported by user rdepew on March 6 2007 in this forum.

    From reading that post and all the replies to it, I understand that the drag/drop capability exists using Eclipse, the Web Tool Platform plug-in, and the Crystal Reports plug-in. However, the drag/drop feature is not readily possible using MyEclipse, unless you install the Web Tool Platform, and allow MyEclipse to show the Web Tool features.

    So I downloaded Web Tool Platform build 2.0.3 for Web Tool Platform Complete (which is the wtp download if you check the download site). I then did the following in MyEclipse: Windows/Preferences/General/Capabilities/Advanced, selected MyEclipse Standard Tools, then checked WTP deprecated and WTP Extras.

    I now see the WTP perspective, but selecting it makes no change to the screen. I can also see Database Development and Database Debug perspectives, but they do not seem to work either.

    Perhaps I have misunderstood the fix that is required to allow drag/drop capability of database tables to Crystal Reports, or I have downloaded the wrong build for Web Tool Platform, or I have missed a step. Or even worse, there is no way to get MyEclipse to work Crystal Reports.

    I would greatly appreciate anyone’s help on this problem. I really want to use MyEclipse with Crystal, if it is indeed possible. Thanks

    #293594 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    From reading that post and all the replies to it, I understand that the drag/drop capability exists using Eclipse, the Web Tool Platform plug-in, and the Crystal Reports plug-in. However, the drag/drop feature is not readily possible using MyEclipse, unless you install the Web Tool Platform, and allow MyEclipse to show the Web Tool features.

    DTP, the feature from WebTools you are referring to, is a separate feature. You are free to enable it to utilize it in Crystal Reports, it just won’t have any association with the MyEclipse DB Tools you are already using. I just wanted to point that out so you know what to expect.

    Perhaps I have misunderstood the fix that is required to allow drag/drop capability of database tables to Crystal Reports, or I have downloaded the wrong build for Web Tool Platform, or I have missed a step. Or even worse, there is no way to get MyEclipse to work Crystal Reports.

    Actually we already ship all this stuff, you don’t have to install it separately. And if you tried to by unzipping that download into the plugins dir, you may have broken the existing plugins that are there which would explain why they aren’t working.

    By default in MyEclipse they are just hidden (to avoid confusion with our existing tooling). The Capabilities menu you found is exactly the right way to un-hide them and start using them.

    #293602 Reply


    Thanks for the clarification.
    First I installed the Crystal Reports plug iin. Then I tried out Crystal Reports perspective and all went well until the drag/drop of the table. I then found the posting for user rdepew and tried activating the web Tool features in MyEclipse to see if that would solve the problem. I did see that additional perspectives appeared and tried them, but none seem to actually work. I went on to retry the drag/drop in the Crystal Reports perspective and it still would not work. So, i then thought that maybe the Web Tool features were still not working because I needed the Web Tool plug in. And still nothing worked.
    I guess what I am saying is this: I renabled the Web Tool features first and then retried the drag/drop and saw no change. I now know that Installing the Web Tool plug in was not necessary, but installing it did not cause the problem either. I could not drag and drop before I did that. If Web Tools is working, what should I see, what perspective/view would I use to do the drag/drop? I assumed I would see another DB Browser perspective, which I do, but it is called Database Development—not what I was expecting from what was mentioned in the rdepew posting. Is it perhaps Web Tool Perspective and a specific view within that, that I am looking for?

    #293603 Reply


    I will remove the Web tool plug in—in case that is causing problems. I will then only need to know what I am looking for….the steps I need to do in order to obtain a list of tables that I can drag/drop into Crystal data layout.

    #293718 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    I’m sorry I can’t help much here. I am not familiar enough with either the Crystal Reports product or DTP to actually provide guidance on how to use these effectively.

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