
Cannot install on Eclipse 3.4.2 M20090211-1700

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  • #295414 Reply

    When I try to install from the MyEclipse download server, I get the following error:

    Cannot complete the request. See the details.
    Cannot find a solution satisfying the following requirements org.eclipse.ui [3.4.2.M20090204-0800].

    I’m running Mac OS X 10.5 with Java 5 (32-bit)


    #295450 Reply


    Hi Chase,

    Sorry to hear that you are encountering this problem. Have you tried to install ME7 using the All -in-One installer? Can you please make sure that the size of the installer you downloaded matches the size mentioned on the download page. Also make sure that md5 sum of the installer you downloaded matched the md5 sum mentioned on the download page. If you have pulse downloaded, can you open pulse explorer and click on MyProfiles > MyEclipse 7.0. Right click on MyEclipse 7.0 and click on [Run]/[Install and Rum]/[Re-install and Run]

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