
cannot install pulse3-win64

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  • #308514 Reply

    ronen malka

    I am trying to install pulse 3 on win XP 64.

    I keep getting errors JVM terminated. Exit code-=1

    I also tried starting the installer using the -repair switch.

    Where can I find the installer log?

    #308517 Reply



    Sorry to hear you are running into this issue. I have moved your post here – http://www.poweredbypulse.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4930#post4930

    #308593 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    I would just like to further understand why you wish you to install Pulse 3? Is this MyEclipse related – are you attempting to follow instructions from another support post where you have been told to do this – if so, can you please give me a link to that thread?

    I would like to mention that MyEclipse does not currently have a 64bit version for Windows (but the 32 bit version will run on 64 bit systems without issue). Also, if you install MyEclipse using our All In One installer, it will also install a copy of Pulse 3 for you.
    As you are a MyEclipse customer, I wanted to make sure we understood exactly why you needed just Pulse so we can assist accordingly.

    #308651 Reply

    ronen malka

    The MyEclipse configuration center is showing “Loading Software and Workspace Center 25%” with no progress.
    searching this forum I found a tread with same issue. the fix for this issue, according to thread is to use pulse 3.

    #308776 Reply



    Sorry for the late reply. Can you do the following –
    1. Run the uninstaller.
    2. Make sure the MyEclipse Install Directory has been completely removed
    2.1. Pulse Install Directory, on XP it’s under C:\Program Files in \Pulse or \Genuitec, and on Vista it’s under <USER.HOME>\AppData\Local and then under \Pulse or \Genuitec again
    3. Then make sure the pulse2.locator file under <USER.HOME> is erased as well
    4. Install pulse from http://www.poweredbypulse.com

    Let me know how this works for you.


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