
Cannot run after installing 2.8beta on Gentoo [Closed]

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  • #207889 Reply


    I wanted to install Eclipse 3.0M9 so I had to upgrade ME also. I followd the documented procedure for a first install. My previous installation was a manual installation so here’s what I did:

    • Started M8
    • Closed all perspectives excpet resource
    • Exited
    • Removed 3.0M8 directory
    • Removed previous ME directory (yes, I made a backup of both!)
    • Installed M9
    • Started M9
    • Exited M9
    • Ran the Installer:
      $ sh EnterpriseWorkbenchInstaller_030800Beta1.bin
    • After exiting, I had this in the ME installation log:
      Install Action:           RPMSpecFile
                                Status: ERROR
                                Additional Notes: ERROR - There was a problem creating the RPM package. You may not be running as root or may not have installed RPM Builder correctly.
                                                  ERROR - java.lang.NullPointerException
    • I tried to start eclipse but I get an error popup. On the console, I have this message:
      ** ERROR **: file pango-layout.c: line 2799 (process_item): assertion failed: (!shape_set)

      In the Eclipse log I have nothing. I even cleaned it out to make sure and sure enough, nothing is logged at all.

    I’m on Linux, using

    java version “1.4.2_04”
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_04-b05)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_04-b05, mixed mode)

    Any ideas?


    #207898 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    The problem with the installer is caused by the version of Java you’re using to execute it and is a known issue with InstallAnywhere. The fastest way to resolve the issue is simply to download and use our manual installation zip file. It’s really simple and full instructions on how perform the install are contained in the zip itself.

    #207899 Reply

    Oh, Ok. I thought I’d give the installer a try. Maybe you should put a note in the instructions to that effect.


    #207901 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Actually, the issue is really most likely that the installer is simply picking an invalid JVM to launch the installer with. If you want to dig into it, you can find instructions on how to do it here:

    However, your fastest route to a working config is still most likely the manual installation. 🙂

    #207906 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    As far as this error:

    ** ERROR **: file pango-layout.c: line 2799 (process_item): assertion failed: (!shape_set)

    Is going to be caused by the version of Pango you have installed. AFAIK GTK/GDK/Pango 2.2/2.4 should work fine. I’ve used Eclipse 2.x with both, and know that the Eclipse team has fixed bugs in Eclipse against 2.4… so everything should work.

    Make sure (if it keeps crashing) that you aren’t using a dev build (2.3/2.5) and/or aren’t using a super-customized version of GTK that ships with your distro or something to that effect.

    #207923 Reply

    I’m using GNOME 2.6 and my Pango version is 1.4.0, the latest available. I recently upgraded to GNOME 2.6, maybe that has something to do with it?

    At any rate, I’ll take a look at the instructions for targeting the problem. If they aren’t too involved, I’ll try that. Otherwise, I’ll just go for the manual install.


    #207925 Reply

    Took a quick look at the thread Scott mentioned. I’m on Gentoo and don’t use any rpm stuff. So it look like I’ll be going for the manual installation. I’m not sure why the rpmbuild stuff is required on a non-RPM system, so I won’t install it. If it’s not absolutely essential, it might be good to remove dependencies on RPM.


    #207928 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’m running Gentoo/Gnome 2.6 at work with Eclipse 2.1.3/ME 2.8B1 and it works fine (except for the bug with perspective buttons being 1px wide)

    If it’s not absolutely essential, it might be good to remove dependencies on RPM.

    Its a requirement of the InstallAnywhere software we use, kind of strange if you ask me.

    #207932 Reply

    I tried the manual installation and I get the same error. I’m using 3.0M9, not 2.x. It looks like the problem runs deeper than a simple installation error. I’ll have to look at it over the weekend,


    #207937 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If you remove the <Eclipse dir>\links\<myeclipse link file> file, or move it someplace else, and then start Eclipse, does it still fail? If so, then this is an Eclipse/System error that probably has nothing to do with MyEclipse.

    Are you running a Gentoo stable system (no ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=”~x86″ in your make.conf file?) If so, you should be ok…

    #207947 Reply

    nope, it works fine if I remove the link.

    For the most part, I’m using a stable build. I do have some components of my system that are from protected packages, but all the core elements are stable (things like GNOME, the kernel, the gtk libs, etc.).


    #207951 Reply

    Rick Russell

    I have the same issue on Fedora Core 2 running Eclipse 3.0M9 on Gnome 2.6. If I remove the link Eclipse works, but if you put the link back it fails.

    #207954 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Geez very strange.

    lduperval and idatasys,
    can you both capture the last 2 or 3 parts of your log file starting with “!SESSION———–” and paste them here so we have more to go off of? Then I’ll send this back to the devs.

    #207956 Reply

    I have nothing at all in my log.


    #207958 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This looks like it might be an Eclipse bug: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=56638

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