
Cannot save file

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  • #232091 Reply



    i’m accidentally opened a html with both the MyEclipse Html Editor and the Tapestry Template Editor.
    After doing some edit operations in the Template Editor and saving this file the Html Editor complains while trying to save

    Save could not be completed.
    Reason: Has been changed on the file system.

    Ok. Fine. But i have to close and reopen the Html Editor. In Eclipse 3.0 the file got refreshed with the new content. Exists somewhere an option for this?


    #232118 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    what happens if you jus right click on the file and Refresh it while the HTML editor si open?

    #232131 Reply



    ah, i forgot to mention that refresh doesn’t solve the problem. Also closing the template editor doesn’t help.

    #232141 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This doesn’t sound that far fetched to me, the editors aren’t written to refresh their contents real time and Eclipse doesn’t having a polling mechanism to check for file changes every X seconds, so what you are doing si the equivalent of opening the file in Eclipse and in an external editor, which is an unsupported use case.

    Is there a reason you have to work this way? Maybe there is a shortcomming with our design that we could improve so you wouldn’t need to do this…

    #232152 Reply


    It isn’t uncommon for me that files will be changed externally For example with an ant task or xdoclet or something else.

    With eclipse 3.0 i had never such that problem.

    Ok. I’ve done some more tests:
    Externally edited html files were both refreshed in eclipse without problems if only one editor is open. But if i open both the html editor and the template editor only the template editor was refreshed. The html editor shows the old content with the well known problems.

    Ok. Then I have to be careful opening files.


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