
Cannot see red indicators next to files with build errors

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  • #223301 Reply


    I can no longer see a red indicator next to a file name in which there are build errors. What I am referring to is a red error indicator next to the Java source file name in the Package Explorer. This was working before but since I did a fresh install of Eclipse/MyEclipse a week or so ago this behavior has been missing. I thought that this was on by default, as I never had to select this as a preference before, but perhaps I need to enable this in some way for this new version. I can still see red indicators on the left and right of the lines with errors in the editor. I used to be able to quickly see which files were affected by an error in one file (such as when I changed the name of a method in one file and other files which use that method still use the old method name), but now I have to open each file in a separate editor to see if there are errors.

    Eclipse Version: 3.0.1
    Build id: 200409161125

    MyEclipse Version: 3.8.3
    Build id: 200412061200-3.8.3

    No additional plugins

    Windows XP Professional

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


    #223306 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    1) Make sure you used the Eclipse SDK install and not the RCP/JDT/Platform
    2) Make sure you are using the Package View and not the Navigation View: Window > Show View > Package View
    3) Make sure you are in the Java Perspective

    Other than that, I think they are mandatory… e.g. I couldn’t actually find a way to turn them OFF, so you might just be in the wrong view.

    #223308 Reply


    Thanks for the quick response Riyad.

    1) I installed Eclipse using a file named eclipse-SDK-3.0.1-win32.zip so I assume I have installed the SDK and not the RCP/JDT/Platform.
    2) I am using the Package View (I chose the menu item suggested above, and the tab I am looking at is entitled Package Explorer and not Navigator)
    3) I usually use the MyEclipse perspective, but just for grins I tried this with the Java pespective and I am getting the same behavior (or lack of the default behavior I’m after). I introduce a bug in one class, save the source file, and then no red indicator shows up next to the source file name nor any other file which depends on the class in which the error was introduced.

    Any other sugeestions ?


    #223309 Reply


    I think I’ve figured it out, at least partially. I did a fresh build of the project and then the red X showed up as usual next to the problematic files. Based on this I’m thinking that I need to make a setting in my project so that the build happens automatically/constantly. Can you suggest how I would do this (if this is in fact what I need to do), and how I might set this as a default for all projects ?


    #223310 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    I believe the setting you’re looking for is at Project > Build Automatically

    #223311 Reply


    Thanks, this looks like the solution.

    Is there a way to make this the default setting for my Workbench ? It seems that this was always on by default before, but maybe I inadvertently turned it off ?


    #223314 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    James I believe if you turn it on you should be good to go. This setting used to be under Window > Prefs > Workbench

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