- This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 20 years, 4 months ago by Riyad Kalla.
robinsinghMember———UNABLE TO DEPLOY web project IN EXPLODED FORMAT :——
I am following the 2 Chapter web deployment and development tutorial given at
here i go to
MyEclipse User guide >Getting Started >Web Development and deploymentwhile following the chapter 2 for deployment of the web project..
I havent been able to deploy the project in the EXPLODED format at all.
When i deploy it using exploded format and try to openhttp://localhost:8080/HelloWorld/MyJsp.jsp
it gives the following error :
HTTP Status 404 – /HelloWorld
type Status report
message /HelloWorld
description The requested resource (/HelloWorld) is not available.
Sun-Java-System/Application-Server-PE-8.0Although If i undeploy it and deploy the same web project in the packaged(.war format) it gets deployed correctly as the former one,
and when i hope the same link in the browser
http://localhost:8080/HelloWorld/MyJsp.jspIt works fine.
Since I cannt deploy the project in exploded format ,I cannt do the
“sync on demand” thing either.PLEASE HELP.
I have configured myEclipse with Sun application server 8
on windows XP professional(SP2) using Java[TM] 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition 1.4 SDK using
Eclipse Platform
Version: 3.0.0
Build id: 200406251208
jdk version(build 1.4.2_05-b04)
Riyad KallaMemberRobin,
Some application servers are pickie with how you *initially* deploy webapp. Some require that you deploy a packaged WAR, then use the application consoles management console to “deploy” the app, then from ME you can switch to Exploded deployment, and hit “Deploy” which will overlay the existing deployment, then hotsync will work fine.Try this and see if it works.
robinsinghMemberBUNCH OF PROBLEMS :
how do u suggest to package the Web project as a .war before deploying it using the AdminConsole?
Should i first package it using the ant build / or in Sun application server’s case , asant build command at the command prompt to package the myEclipse web project into .war format ?2)The main problem is the Directory structure of a regular web project using Free Sun application Server Implementation is not accepted as is
by myEclipse/Eclipse 3.0 platform AND VICE VERSA ?To the best of my understanding ,
you guys suggest the structure of the web project(when making it work on myEclipseIDE) to be a little different than what is suggested in the Sun application server Reference implementation .how do i adjust the changes ! That’s a big problem in itself .
If you want to understand the issue correctly , answer this.
Say you have the following
configured myEclipse with Sun application server 8
on windows XP professional(SP2) using Java[TM] 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition 1.4 SDK using
Eclipse Platform
Version: 3.0.0
Build id: 200406251208
jdk version(build 1.4.2_05-b04)
The standard J2EE web services tutorial comes with some example code. I tried making a web project in myEclipse IDE using one of the web projects(which gets easily deployed using the SUN deploytool )
I couldnt do it because the online myEclipse tutorial posted athttp://myeclipseide.com/enterpriseworkbench/help/index.jsp
discusses under the topic
MyEclipseUserGuide -> Tasks >Working with Web projects ->
Java Project to Web project ConversionThe following error gets corrected if I add separate SRC folder for source
and BIN folder for output
If you receive an “Invalid Project Structure” warning this indicates that your project’s root folder is serving as a source folder. This violates Eclipse build path restrictions that prohibit a source
folder from overlapping with an output folder. A Web project output folder is always the relative
folder path: <web root folder>/WEB-INF/classes.
——————————–But then I dont know how and where to fit the directories of a regular
Sun App. Server based Web project in the available directory structure in myEclipse .
-build.xmlI am showing a sample hello1 application dir structure .
Please give me instructions as to how to make it work as a
myEclipse web project ?
And then to deploy it as well using ME deployer utility.?
Riyad KallaMember1)
how do u suggest to package the Web project as a .war before deploying it using the AdminConsole?
Should i first package it using the ant build / or in Sun application server’s case , asant build command at the command prompt to package the myEclipse web project into .war format ?I have no experience with Sun’s tool, but I know that most all of our users that have complex app layouts use their own project-specific Ant scripts to package/deploy their webapp. MyEclipse tries to help 95% of the users with typical project layouts, but there is still the remaining 5% that are working on very complex systems and need custom Ant scripts to handle deployment for them.
I am showing a sample hello1 application dir structure .
Please give me instructions as to how to make it work as a
myEclipse web project ?
And then to deploy it as well using ME deployer utility.?What you outlined below does indeed look like a very strange project layout, some things I’m not clear on is 1) where did you get this proejct layout from in Eclipse? What material did you read that had you setup a project like this? 2) is “web” also part of the “hello1” project? 3) Why do you have 2 web.xml files in your hello1 project?
All app servers are required to follow the web application spec, this is what ME usually prefers as a project layout, but it is not required. However what you have here looks strange, so please help me understand it before I start suggesting how to organize it.
robinsinghMemberWell I need some help from you on this App server selection.
I am working on Master’s Final project and I need a free application server
to work on for my project.(I needed a good IDE as well, which I have now as ME) Can u suggest me a fully functional Free application server that works
seemless with myEclipse. how about jBoss 3.0.2 vs weblogic 8.1(its just that i think weblogic 8.1 is li’l bit of an overkill for my purpose.)
Rest I will take what you say on this..since you guys have enough experience on this matter to tell me what works very good…with ME.kindly make sure
it must be properly documented as to how to make it work with myEclipse and have some good books in market for its overall functionality.
I am using mySQL as my database.
Kindly help.(IF it doesnt take me anywhere then I will try to make Sun AS8.0
robinsinghMember“”how about jBoss 3.0.2 vs weblogic 8.1(its just that i think weblogic 8.1 is li’l bit of an overkill for my purpose.) ”
oops sorry I meant to say jBoss 3.2.x or whatever its latest stable release is !!
Riyad KallaMemberRobin,
Sorry for the delay, if you need to do EJBs and such definately use JBoss 3.2.x, its easy to learn, free and documentation is plentiful.If you just need to do JSPs, Servlets, Struts, Hibernate, Spring, etc. etc. and not EJBs, then just use Tomcat, the support is just as good if not better then JBoss and Tomcat is an excellent choice.
I’m moving this to Random Thoughts so we can talk through this as its not so much and ME issue any more but a “hey I need some help getting started” discussion.